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5 Japanese Healthy Habits To Start Your Day With

Japan is consistently recognized as one of the healthiest nations in the world, thanks to the daily habits that contribute to their well-being. As of 2021, Japan holds the highest life expectancy globally, averaging 84.6 years. However, it's not just about longevity; it's about maintaining a high quality of life.

This article delves into 5 Japanese morning habits that can help you start your day in the most effective way.

# Shinrin-Yoku: Embrace the Forest Bath

The Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku, or "forest bathing," encourages immersion in nature. Research, including studies published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, reveals that spending time in a forest can decrease stress levels, lower blood pressure, and enhance the immune system. Consider adding a morning walk in a local forest or park to your daily routine.

# Sip on Mugicha: The Barley Tea Ritual

While many people opt for coffee or tea in the morning, Japan favors Mugicha, or roasted barley tea. Research indicates that this distinctive tea has antioxidant properties that help shield your body from harmful free radicals. Additionally, being caffeine-free, Mugicha offers a gentle energy boost without the jitters. Enjoy a cup of Mugicha to start your day smoothly.

# Taiso: The Art of Japanese Morning Exercise

Taiso, a traditional Japanese calisthenics routine, has been practiced for generations. It involves stretching, breathing exercises, and light movements to enhance blood flow, flexibility, and mental clarity. Research, such as that in the Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, shows that regular Taiso practice can improve posture, concentration, and overall well-being. Incorporate Taiso into your morning routine for a revitalizing start to your day.

# Ganbanyoku: The Hot Stone Bath

While hot baths are common, Japan offers Ganbanyoku, a hot stone bath with heated mineral stones that provide therapeutic benefits like improved blood circulation, detoxification, and stress relief. A study in the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation highlights Ganbanyoku’s positive effects on muscle relaxation and joint mobility. Enjoying a Ganbanyoku bath for 20-30 minutes each morning can energize your body and prepare you for the day.

# Mindful Okara: A Soybean Breakfast

In Japan, many begin their day with Okara, a soybean curd rich in protein and fiber. This nutritious breakfast choice supports digestion and promotes heart health. Research in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences shows that the soybean-derived compounds in Okara can help lower cholesterol levels. Start your day with this nutrient-dense, low-calorie food to boost your metabolism.