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10 Ways To Build Long Lasting Friendship

I met my best friend on the dance floor at a club—who would have guessed? Since that night, we've been inseparable. We talk constantly, exchange silly toilet selfies, and share our daily stories about awkward encounters with guys. That’s what friendship is all about!

To keep your friendship strong, you need to put in the effort to be a good friend. Good friends are like stars—okay, it might sound cheesy, but it's true. Being a good friend takes work. Did you think it would be easy? Love, even in friendship, requires effort.

So, what does it really mean to be a true friend?

# Be Honest

Honesty truly is the best policy. What’s the point of having a friend if they’re not going to be truthful with you? These are the people you trust, and they trust you, so it’s essential to be honest as a friend. Now, if they ask if they look fat, you don’t have to shout “yes.” There’s a balance between being honest and being overly blunt.

# Listen

Listening is a crucial skill that many people lack today. It’s one of the reasons relationships fall apart—people just aren’t listening to each other. Being a good friend means being an active listener. When they’re down, listen. When they’re having a great day, listen. They want to share their life with you, and as a friend, you should feel honored.

# Friendship is a Two-Way Street

Like all relationships, friendships involve two people. This means that if you want to be a good friend, you have to give as much as you take. You need to do your part so that they can do theirs.

# Be Reliable

If you’ve made plans to go out on Friday night, show up. If they’ve invited you to their college graduation, be there. Good friends are the ones who show up and support each other. A good friend is dependable.

# Offer Support

This is where good friends are truly like stars. If your friend is going through a tough time, you need to be there for them. We all experience ups and downs, and when you’re there for someone, they’ll be there for you. You don’t have to fix everything, but you can be the one to say, “It’s going to be okay.”

# Mean What You Say

Remember in high school when everyone would hug and say “love ya!”? They probably didn’t mean it. Don’t be the person who carelessly throws out “love you.” It can come across as insincere. A real friend says those words when they genuinely mean them. Yes, friends are like stars, but don’t get too sentimental all the time.

# Choose Your Battles

There will be times when your friend says something completely silly or tries to boss you around. That can be frustrating, but you can’t fight over everything. Pick your battles wisely, or you might risk losing the friendship.

# Focus on the Friendship, Not Benefits

When you meet someone, it’s not about what you can get from them. That’s not what friendship is about. While some people might try to use others, a true friend values you for who you are, not for what you have.

# Show Empathy

You’re friends because you understand each other, so you need to put yourself in their shoes during tough times. Empathy is key. Be vulnerable and understanding of their emotions. They’ll appreciate it when they’re feeling alone.

# Be More Than a Social Media Friend

We all have those friends who are active on social media but flake out when it’s time to meet up in person. Don’t be that friend. Social media friends often compensate for real-life connections by posting about their lives online, but real friendship happens beyond the screen.