8 Tips To Help You Get Over a Girl and Move On

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When you start to like a girl, everything feels better. The world looks more beautiful, there’s a skip in your step, and you’re just happy. But when she turns you down, everything shifts from good to the bitter worst. Ever been there? Almost all of us have! Learning how to get over a girl who doesn’t like you is a rite of passage we all need to go through.

This is where many guys go wrong, and it affects them for the rest of their lives. You can choose to learn from your mistakes, heal, and become a better person, or you can stay blind to your faults and assume the girl who turned you down is the problem. Just so you know, she probably isn’t!

But let’s be honest, it’s incredibly frustrating, isn’t it? You’re such a great guy, yet she’s interested in other guys who don’t seem half as good as you. Ever been there?

Well, I have. I’ve been there plenty of times and learned a few important lessons along the way.

You're here because you want to get over a girl who doesn’t like you back. Each rejection makes you feel a bit worse about yourself. So, we’re not just going to talk about how to get over a girl but also about how you can learn and grow from it. This way, you can avoid the same kind of heartbreak and rejection in the future.

Heartbreaks are inevitable, but you can minimize them by learning from your mistakes and improving along the way. Let’s dive into where we guys often go wrong, how you can get over a girl, and become the awesome guy you were born to be!

# It Takes Time

You have to accept that there’s no easy way to get over a girl you like. Keep yourself distracted until the wound heals.

# Shut Her Out of Your Mind

Don’t think of her. If her thoughts come up, focus on something else. It might feel good to remember her or look at her social media updates, but you’re only hurting yourself more. She’s not coming back, so don’t make yourself suffer unnecessarily. Stop zooming into her photos while she’s moving on with someone else. Are you not feeling pathetic enough already?

# Don’t Change Who You Are

Don’t alter your personality around her after she tells you she doesn’t like you. Avoid getting moody or grumpy in her presence. You’re not a petulant child, so act mature. Seeking attention by behaving differently will only push her further away, and you’ll end up hurting even more. She doesn’t like you, so trying to get her attention by avoiding her won’t work.

# Don’t Act Like a Hopeless Romantic

If you get drunk or talk endlessly about her, you’re not helping yourself. Learn from the experience and avoid making the same mistakes next time you like someone.

# Let Go

If you really need to, share your feelings with her one more time, but keep it casual. If it doesn’t work, let go and don’t hope for her to say yes again. Holding onto false hopes will prevent you from becoming a better person, pursuing someone else, or moving on with your life.

# Don’t See Her as a Prize

“If I get richer, she’ll date me,” “If I start behaving better, she’ll date me,” “If I get fitter, she’ll sleep with me.” None of this will happen. These thoughts will only make you more miserable and vulnerable to heartbreak. She doesn’t care about you or who you are anymore.

# Don’t Plot Revenge

She has the right to say no to you, just as you have the right to say no to someone you’re not interested in. Accept her choice and move on. Plotting revenge will only stagnate your life and make you obsess over her even more. Learn to face rejection and deal with it. That’s the only way to become a better version of yourself.

# Find Other Girls to Pursue

This is the best way to get over a girl you like. You had your chance, so move on. Learn from your mistakes and find someone else to flirt with. If you make the right moves, you’ll eventually find the girl you like and get over the one who broke your heart.