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North Carolina Lt Gov Mark Robinson Wants 'Zero' Weeks Abortion Restrictions: Report

North Carolina Republican Lt. Governor Mark Robinson, who is running for the position of Governor in the 2024 US election, allegedly said at a campaign event that he wants to reduce restrictions on abortion in North Carolina to "zero" weeks if elected. An audio clip of Mark Robinson's speech from the event in Troy, North Carolina on September 3, was shared with NBC News by a group run by the North Carolina Democratic Leadership Committee, called Mark Robinson War Room. The group is backed by the Democratic Governors Association, the report disclosed. Notably, the audio does not yet exist in the public domain, apart from the transcripts published in the NBC News report. A woman reportedly asked Robinson about his stance on abortion and why he was supporting the current 12-week ban on abortion effective in the state. Robinson reportedly says: "That 12 weeks, exceptions for rape and incest … I’m not going to say it’s reasonable. But my faith allows me to live with that, because that’s where the consensus is. Do I want to continue to lower it? You better know it. I would love to get down to six weeks. And I’d like to get down to zero. I would like to push it back as far as we could and eliminate as many abortions as we can.”“We can’t do it all at once. The Democrats started off with Roe v. Wade, then moved to ‘safe, legal, and rare.’ Then they got to where? Nine months in the womb. They did that over 50 years. … And we can do it,” he added. He then reportedly reassures the woman that he has not changed his stance on abortion "at all."“I’m 100% for life, and that’s how I think it should be. If I’m a pastor in the pulpit, that’s what I’m preaching. If I’m counseling someone, a young lady, a couple, that’s what I’m telling them. I’m telling them, ‘Choose life for your child,’” he reportedly says.