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Top WWE Superstars Who Personally Hate John Cena

John Cena , is without a doubt, one of the biggest stars in the world. At an early age, Cena began his career with WWE , showcasing his talent right away and developing throughout time. One of the biggest names in pro wrestling history, he rose up the ranks with ease and became well-known throughout the business. Cena has cemented his position in the entertainment industry by making a big impact in Hollywood in addition to his prosperous wrestling career.

The 16-time World Champion has a thorough understanding of the business and is aware of what factors may make or break a situation because of his extensive experience in and out of the WWE. Because of his skill, he has been known as a wrestling trailblazer, and many future stars look up to him. Even though Cena is admired by most, he doesn't get along with some wrestlers. On the other hand, Cena has also shown gratitude and support for other players on the team. Let's examine the celebrities that find John Cena unappealing.

5 WWE Superstars Who Dislike John Cena
CM Punk

CM Punk's resentment of John Cena is arguably the most well-known and extensively studied. When Punk famously called out Cena in his "Pipe Bomb" promo, criticising the way Cena was promoted as the face of WWE, their rivalry started in earnest in 2011. Punk believed that Cena was receiving special treatment, and their competition on TV represented conflict in real life. While there were some notable battles throughout their feud, Punk's dissatisfaction with Cena dominated their meetings.

Randy Orton

There has long been a rivalry between Randy Orton and John Cena, both inside and outside of the ring. Despite the fact that their rivalry was mostly staged, there were reports of sincere personal problems between the two.

Known for his occasionally contentious demeanour, Orton has supposedly harboured resentment towards Cena at times due to personal and professional conflicts. However, John Cena holds Orton in high regards off screen and the two do have a great deal of respect for each other behind the scenes.


Batista, known as "The Animal," isn’t particularly liked by many superstars, including John Cena. The dislike is mutual. With their careers following similar paths, Cena disapproves of the way Batista has treated his fellow wrestlers, feeling that he has been disrespectful in light of his success. Moreover, Batista once admitted that he wouldn’t want to work on a movie with either Cena or Dwayne Johnson, a statement that has drawn criticism from fans. This further validates Cena’s negative feelings toward him.

Chris Masters

John Cena and Chris Masters have faced off in the ring several times, but they have never gotten along. Both have openly expressed their dislike for each other in interviews. Despite their individual talents, their chemistry has always been lacking, and their mutual resentment has frequently been noticeable on TV.

Wade Barrett

Although Wade Barrett and John Cena had some memorable moments together during the Nexus storyline, fans were unaware that the two were not friends off-screen. In an interview, Barrett admitted that they didn’t get along, but he also acknowledged his respect for Cena and the contributions he made to the wrestling industry.