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7 Amazing Things About Autumn That’ll Really Surprise You

Autumn is a season of beauty and transformation. As the days shorten and temperatures cool, the world outside begins to change in vibrant and magical ways. Beyond the colourful foliage and crisp air, there are many surprising facts about this season that you may not know. Here are seven fascinating things about autumn that will truly amaze you.

1. Autumn’s Name Origins
In the past, the season we now call autumn was simply referred to as “harvest,” since this was the time when crops were gathered. The term “autumn” began to be used in the 16th century and originates from the Latin word autumnus. In some parts of the world, particularly in North America, the term “fall” is more commonly used. This came from the phrase “fall of the leaf,” which perfectly describes the visual change in nature during the season.

2. Leaves Change Colour Because of SugarThe breathtaking colours of autumn leaves are a result of complex chemical processes. As daylight decreases and temperatures drop, trees begin to prepare for winter by slowing down the production of chlorophyll, the chemical responsible for their green colour. As the chlorophyll fades, other pigments, like carotenoids and anthocyanins, become visible, creating the beautiful reds, oranges, and yellows. The amount of sugar trapped in the leaves also influences their colour, particularly the reds and purples.

3. Animal Instincts Go Into OverdriveAutumn is a time of preparation for many animals. Birds migrate, often travelling thousands of miles to warmer climates, while others, such as squirrels, gather and store food for the colder months. Bears and other hibernating animals begin to consume vast amounts of food, building fat reserves to last them through winter. It’s a season of instinctive survival, as animals respond to the changing environment around them.

4. Pumpkin ManiaAlthough pumpkins are available year-round, autumn is when they truly take centre stage. Pumpkins aren’t just for pies or Halloween decorations; they are an incredibly versatile fruit (yes, fruit!) that can be used in soups, stews, and even drinks. The UK has seen a growing trend of pumpkin-flavoured everything during autumn, from lattes to biscuits, showcasing the fruit’s versatility.

5. The Moon’s Special Role in AutumnThe Harvest Moon is a unique feature of the autumn sky. It is the full moon closest to the autumn equinox and is said to provide more light than other full moons. Farmers historically used this extra light to work late into the night harvesting crops, which is how it got its name. In some cultures, the Harvest Moon is seen as a symbol of prosperity and abundance.

6. Conkers and Traditional GamesIn the UK, autumn is synonymous with the game of conkers. This traditional game involves children threading horse chestnuts (conkers) onto strings and then taking turns smashing their opponent’s conker. It’s been played for generations and is a nostalgic reminder of autumns past. The season wouldn’t be complete without spotting children gathering conkers from the ground beneath the trees.

7. Autumn Can Affect Your MoodThere’s something about the transition from summer to autumn that can stir up emotions. Some people experience “autumn nostalgia,” a bittersweet feeling linked to the end of summer. Additionally, the reduction in daylight during autumn can trigger a condition known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). However, many people find the cosiness of autumn comforting, enjoying the opportunity to embrace the season with warm clothes, hot drinks, and hearty meals.