Telangana students to avail 85% quota for admissions into professional courses

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Hyderabad: Telangana government has issued orders on Thursday, February 27, amending the rules to provide 85% reservations to local Telangana students to avail admissions into undergraduate and post-graduate programs in government, aided and private educational institutions offering courses in engineering, technology, architecture and pharmacy.

The remaining 15% quota for admissions has been unreserved for candidates who have resided in the stste for a period of ten years, and if their parents have resided in the state for 10 years excluding the period of their service outside their state.

The 15% reservation also applies to those whose parents are employees in state government or the central government, public sector corporations, local bodies or universities, and other similar quasi public institutions in the state.

It also applies to the candidates who are spouses of those who are locals.

In exercise of the sections 3 and 15 of the Telangana Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act of 1983, the amendments were made for admissions.

A committee was constituted with high-level officials to amend reservations for admissions through GO 12. The committee’s report has been submitted and approved by the cabinet sub-committee on reforms in education through GO 11.

As per Section 95 and under Part XI of the AP Reorganisation Act of 2014, the existing admissions are considered on the basis of Article 371 (D), which were valid for a period of 10 years from the date of the formation of Telangana. As the 10 year-rule has expired, the amendments to the local quota were brought in.

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