Youth stabbed to death, mother injured: three arrested

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Indore: Three were arrested on Monday for allegedly killing a youth and injuring youth's mother with a sharp-edged weapon during a fight late on Sunday night.

"Mahesh (27), a resident of Naya Basera area, was fatally stabbed by Suraj, Ashu alias Ashutosh and Ram," MIG police station in-charge CB Singh said. The victim and his mother, Marubai, were inside their house in Naya Basera area behind Chhoti Khajrani when the accused were passing by, hurling abuses on Sunday night.

"When they objected, the accused started thrashing them," Singh said. They attacked them with knives, during which Mahesh sustained injuries to his chest and back, and started bleeding profusely. Mahesh was rushed to MY Hospital but he couldn't be saved, Singh said.

The three accused were arrested on Monday. Based on inital probe, the police is suspecting old riverly as reason behind the attack.

Following the autopsy on Monday afternoon, family members staged a road blockade in the MIG area to protest the murder.