Behind Film Of Delusion Is Anant Astral World
Today, space is hot property. Billionaires such as Bezos have explored it as tourists, and Elon Musk wants to colonise Mars. Their obsession is pushing the space race further. However, Indic spiritual masters have always favoured inner astral travel over an external, physical outing to space.
According to Paramhansa Yogananda , blueprints of this world were created first in the astral world . This world has many limitations, but astral world has none. We came from astral world, and we shall return to it after death.
According to Paramhansa Yogananda , blueprints of this world were created first in the astral world . This world has many limitations, but astral world has none. We came from astral world, and we shall return to it after death.
The physical human body seems real, but it will disappear. Then where will your soul go? To sukshm jagat, astral world! Your soul goes to astral world, when you are asleep, but you are not conscious of it. When you are dreaming or seeing visions, you are in astral world. It is your attachment to this material world that has made it seem so real, but it has limited you.
Paramhansa Yogananda says, "You can live more in the astral world through deep concentration upon peace and calmness. By increasing the intensity of your concentration and depth of your calmness, you can be in astral world. Here on earth-plane, differences between solids, liquids, and gases are plain. We know that if we jump from the solid shore into liquid ocean, we will drown. There are no such limitations in astral world."
In astral world, we can glide through both solids and liquids. We can differentiate solids from liquids, but we know that both are manifestations of light. That is why Jesus was able to walk on water. He realised that both earth and water were made of astral light.
Yogananda says the law of relativity has delusive power. In this earthly life, for instance, we find that our body cannot go through a wall. In astral world, we realise that both the wall and our body are made of light, and we are able to go through a wall of light with our body of light.
By entering astral world, we learn causes of all diseases and secrets of our existence. True freedom can come only by living in astral world. In the physical world, you will become distracted trying to cope with your problems unless, mentally, you live in an infinite astral world. Fly away from your material troubles by living more in astral world. When your earthly bad karm is burnt up, you will return to it and remain there forever unless you desire to return to earth to finish some important work that you started.
Keep your mind at the point between your eyebrows. If you concentrate long and deeply through the spiritual eye, you will get right answers to any problem. Meditate until light of God appears. Never go to sleep until you have contacted divine joyful vibration of God.
Always remain in sphere of happiness born of meditation . Concentrate on the great peace within, and you will see shadows of earthly limitations melting away. Eventually, you will see that behind this motion picture of delusion, there is a world eternal - infinite astral world.
Ananda Sangha Delhi will be hosting 'Spiritual Fair: Awaken Your Highest Potential' on Sunday, March 9, 10am-6.30pm at N-100, Panchsheel Park. For more information, call 9899200605
Authored by: Shivendra Nath Misra
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