The Power of Acceptance

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It’s the 21st century! Where our minds are often found crowded and struggling with constant thoughts of wanting to change our painful past, imperfect present and challenging future that we think is in store for us!

As said by Carl Jung – “We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses!”

A question arises in mind, ‘Why should I accept the negative things that have happened in my life?’

This can be understood with the spiritual knowledge propounded by Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan , that anything that occurs in our life is the effect of the causes which we ourselves have made in the past; whatever we’ve sown earlier is what we are reaping today.

The next question that arises then is, “How do I accept?”
“If you accept Nature’s justice and understand that ‘Whatever has happened is justice,’ you will attain liberation. However, if you question Nature’s justice, you will invite puzzles and suffering. To believe that ‘Nature is always just’ is called true Knowledge. To understand things as they are is real knowledge, and to not understand things as they are is ignorance” says Dada Bhagwan. When one man sets another man’s house on fire, people will regard it as injustice. However, in reality it is justice. The victim (whose house got burnt) has done some bad deeds and harassed the other man in a similar way in the past; as a result of which this man is putting the victim’s house on fire today.
If the victim accuses and condemns the perpetrator now, he will have to suffer even more in future, since he is making the mistake of accusing (Nature’s) justice of being unjust. Therefore, accept that ‘fault is always of the sufferer’, because the one who is seen as sufferer today is paying back for his fault made by him earlier – So precise and just the law of Nature is! Want to know more about this topic, download a free ebook on “Whatever Has Happened Is Justice” - By Dada Bhagwan.


So in the process, where we are not ready to accept whatever good or bad happens in our life, and we choose to react with high amounts of anger, dissatisfaction, greed, pride instead, we must understand that we are making our suffering grow only deeper by making further mistakes (by way of our reactions).

Hence, accepting with straightforwardness whatever good or bad happens is the only way to be at peace with oneself; for not only outside, even more importantly inside within us.

To Make This Very Easy, Attain Self Realization i.e. Attain the Knowledge of who I really am.
After you attend a Self Realization Ceremony, you realize that, “I am Pure Soul and my nature is only to see and know.” With this, your belief, ‘I am indeed the one to whom this good or bad has happened’ also drops. This will make it easier to keep your mind, intellect and ego separate from yourself, and as a result they will not be able to disturb or obstruct you. Read here what self realization ceremony means?

After attaining Self-Realization, one can see within and without.
The experience of flawlessness (The Self, I am Pure Soul) is the reality within. Through that experience, one sees everything else, and that is why he is able to perceive his own mistakes. And since the observer of the mistakes remains separate from the mistakes:
- the clarity and transparency to see whatever good or bad happens within increases, and
- so does the ability to perceive and accept even the subtlest mistakes; and
- One remains always at complete peace with oneself.

We have been wandering through countless lifetimes, multiplying our faults. Only through
the grace of the Living Gnani Purush, the Enlightened One, who has destroyed all his mistakes and has the divine powers to bestow liberation into our eager hands, can we attain our salvation. So, go see Him now….
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